Sunday, October 5, 2008

Berry Blossoms!! Edible Fruit Arrangements made from Fresh Fruits & Veggies

Berry Blossoms!!! Edible Arrangements,
made from Fresh Fruits and Veggies!!!
Proudly Serving Canada. Halifax, Nova Scotia (and surrounding areas) They are healthy, 100% Natural, preservative free and delicious.
They're decorative, colorful and uplifting for any age. Coming from one of these arrangements, fruit becomes fun fruit and when everyone is finished, clean-up is almost as easy as licking your fingers.
After the delicacies are devoured the remnants are either recyclable or compost able. Even the container it comes in can be reused.
Our Site:

Built for Mom's by a Mom !!!

Recipes, toddler troubles, work from home, all in one place!!

For some Great reading,
check out some of my featured articles!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stain Removal Secrets !!!

Got A Tough Stain, you can't get out ????

Grass Stains: Apply rubbing alcohol liberally to stained areas before washing.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetable: Stretch fabric tight and pour hot or boiling water
slowly over the stain so water runs through the fabric.

Gum: Hair: Work in a small amount of vegetable oil or baby oil, until gum is loosened.
Fabric: Rub the area with ice until the gum hardens and then remove.

Grease/Motor Oil: Gently rub in talcum powder, cornmeal, or cornstarch. Let set, then brush or sponge powder away.

Rust Stains: Rub with lemon juice and salt, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Price Stickers: Saturate with vegetable oil or baby oil before removing.

Wine Spills: Liberally apply club soda to spill, then dab with sponge.

Bathtub/Sink Stains: Scrub with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Coffee/Tea: Wipe clean with a paste made of baking soda and white vinegar.