Sunday, July 17, 2016

Get Paid To Be Social, Earn Easy Money Online!!!

Get Paid For Using Social Networks!

I think this concept is genius and I hope you take it seriously because this is an incredible chance for ANYONE to make money, WITHOUT having to recruit other people, sell a product or anything of the kind!

What if you got paid a few cents to even a few dollars for doing simple
online tasks like…

Joining an email list
Liking a Facebook fan page
Sharing a Facebook post
Liking a Facebook post
Visiting a website
Providing feedback about a website or a video
Providing feedback about a logo
Answering a few short questions
(Just to name a few)
Well now you can!

Here’s the best part…

Not only will you get paid when you complete these tasks,
but you can ALSO get paid when OTHERS you invite into
the community complete these tasks AND if they create a task listing.

So go here right now: GetPaidSocial

Simply enter your email on that page to be kept in the loop
and receive updates from the company during pre-launch
as well as to be notified when the system is LIVE!

I’m so excited about this and hope you are too!


$25.00 An Hour To Watch Videos!

Monday, June 6, 2016

CommHubb A People Owned Corporation, No Money To Get In Now!!!


We are doing this because, as most of you know, big corporations and the rich can’t be trusted to maintain a fair and honest internet. 
We will occupy the internet by getting people to join CommHubb. Why do we need people? Because the internet survives on advertising revenues and people generate those advertising revenues. 
We all know, the more people that visit a website, the more advertising revenues are generated by that website. Well, these revenues will pay for all operating costs that CommHubb will initially need. That explains why we will NOT need your money. 
Through viral marketing (especially Facebook) we hope to get millions to join. Millions of member/owners will bring in sizable advertising revenues which will pay the bills and also pay for costs to do an Initial Public Offering. 

Join Us Today!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Bloggers Earn Cash, Advertisers Build Buzz!

Sponsored Reviews

Sponsored Reviews Connects Bloggers With SEO's,
Marketers, and Advertisers Looking To Build Links, Traffic And Buzz!
It's 100% Free To Join! 

Bloggers Earn Cash:

Honest Writing Jobs For Bloggers.
Earn cash by writing honest posts about our advertiser's products and services.
Write posts in your own tone and style, and gear them to your audience's interest.

Advertisers Start Here:

Announce your products, services, websites and ideas to the world. 
Tap into the power of the blogosphere to build traffic, links and valuable feedback.
Advertisers Reap The Benefits!

Some Of The Great Features Of Sponsored Reviews Include:

Direct Traffic: 
Millions of people read blogs everyday. Paying for posts puts the spotlight on your company and will generate tons of targeted traffic. 

Buzz & Branding:
The more bloggers talk about your site the better. Many blogs syndicate stories they see on other sites. A couple of well timed sponsored posts has the potential to generate a flurry of other post being written.

Search Engine Rankings:
Every post has links back to your site. Getting links from quality blogs will increase your link popularity and will help your site rank better in the search engines.

Valuable Feedback:
Getting reviewed by bloggers will provide you with valuable feedback that you can use to better understand your audience and customers. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

7 Fun Facts About Affiliate Programs

7 Fun Facts About Affiliate Programs
 Every Marketer Should Know

1) No Experience Necessary: One of the great things about affiliate programs is that there is absolutely no sales experience necessary.
In addition the merchant normally provides you with the marketing material needed for the product such as a range of image banners, text links and that all important product information.

2) Little Risk On Your Part: Another benefit is the minimal risk involved, if the product you are advertising is not making money then you can simply drop it and choose another, there are no long-term contracts binding you to a particular merchant.
Been an affiliate is about making money selling other people’s services or products by using online advertising.

3) Free To Start: Affiliate programs are an excellent way to make money with your web site, the programs are usually free to join and there are thousands of products and services for you to choose from.
As an affiliate you advertise the merchant’s products or services on your web space and earn commission each time someone clicks on the link, visits the merchant’s site and proceeds to make a purchase. Do your homework when it comes to an affiliate program so that you can be more informed, trust me, you will benefit from it in the end.

4) It's Not Always Easy, You Get What You Put In: Marketing affiliate programs isn’t always as easy as they make it sound. In order to be a successful affiliate you may need to sign-up with many different affiliate programs, so you can find out which merchants perform the best for your site.
Success in affiliate marketing can take some time and hard work, but it’s once you have figured it out its well worth it. Your main responsibility as an affiliate is to advertise to create new sales for the merchant.
Leads, Leads, Leads!   
  5) No Shipping Worry On Your End: You do not have to worry about the order processing and delivering the product to the customer, these are the duties of the merchant along with customer service support.
Some affiliate programs also provide you with a two-tier scheme, this means as an affiliate you can recommend other people to join the affiliate program and make a small commission from the sales they generate.

6) Sign Up Process Is Quick And Easy: When you choose an affiliate program to sign up to you are normally required to fill out a brief form containing some information about yourself and your web site. This will allow the retailer to verify that your site fits is relevant to their products.
An affiliate program can for sure put better quality services into your business, therefore earning you much more money than you are used to earning with your business.

7) It's All About The Traffic: One thing you need to remember is that marketing affiliate programs is that its all about advertising the merchant's  products. This means getting traffic to your site. If you don’t get any traffic coming to your site you probably will absolutely never achieve any sales, which would definitely not be a very good thing now would it people?
Pay closer attention so that you can reap the benefits from having your own affiliate program up and operation properly.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Herculist Mailer, A Great Way To Get Traffic To Your Sites!

What is Herculist?

Herculist is a 100% optin safe-list. 

The system is very simple. Join for free and submit your ad to the Herculist database. Anything can be advertised as long as it is legal, and not adult material related!

When you join Herculist you will instantly receive your personal Herculist site. This site will be needed to login to the members area so that you can submit your ad. You can also promote your site and earn commissions by sponsoring new Pro or Gold members! Many current Herculist members are earning substantial incomes from promoting their Herculist sites! 

Sending emails is the number one way of promoting your website today. You can promote it with ease when you have access to a number of people whom you can email to without worrying that your email will end up in their spam folder. To cater these needs for you, there are plenty of safelists out there. HercuList is among them. Just like every other safelist, you join for free and get a few benefits. If you want to earn more benefits, you should upgrade to a paid membership.

Free members can send random emails to 1500 members in one week. You should note here that HercuList is not based on credits. You just buy your membership and then send emails accordingly. The two paid memberships are Pro and Gold. Pro membership will cost you $9.95 per month and the Gold membership will cost you $14.95 membership per month. Pro membership will let you send emails to 50,000 members once in two days. Gold membership will let you send emails to all the members every single day! 
The paid members also get a few additional perks.

Google Ads Will Crash Your Computer, STAY AWAY!

Google Ads Seem Like A Smart Choice To Earn A Little Extra Money Trust Me, They Are Not! 

Over the last 10 years, Google Adwords has been put up on it's own little Ad Network Pedestal. People are constantly bragging about how much money they are making, by placing Google Ads on their webpages and blogs. 

Here is the question though, At What Cost ???? 

Have you ever clicked on a google ad on a website?? I am 100% sure you have. How often does that ad send you to a random redirect page or a page that tries to automatically download and install a random program to your computer???? With Google Dancing a little jig on top of it's own little pedestal, bragging constantly about it's ad program. The rest of us are constantly trying to stop bullshit programs from downloading and attacking our computers! 

Leads, Leads, Leads!
How the hell do these spammers and scammers keep getting though to Google? If the rules are so strict to be able to promote Google Ads on your websites, why aren't they so picky when it comes to the ads that they are allowing others to attach their name to?? (Google) They are 100% Junk. Why isn't there the as many hoops to jump through in order to run ads on Google.?? More then likely it's All About The Money!! Yup, at the end of the day that's what Google is all about! Money, Money, Money, They don't care what these ads are doing to their clients computers! 

If you take a chance and add Google Ads to your blog or website, you are running them at a huge risk.  It will only be a matter of time before people STOP clicking the ads and maybe even stop visiting your site all together. Is that what you want?? HECK NO, YA DON'T! So stick with me in boycotting these good for nothing Google Ads. They Are Ugly And They Clutter Up Your Pages! Find something else ANYTHING Else you can to promote your ads. There are plenty of other sites out there that will bring you GREAT Traffic Any Day Of The Week! 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Top 5 Reasons An Affiliate Joins An Affiliate Network

What Is An Affiliate Network Anyway?? 

An affiliate network is a meeting ground for advertisers and affiliates to “meet”. There are possibly 100’s of good reasons why both advertisers and affiliates can benefit from signing up to a network, but in this article we will focus solely on the top 5 ways affiliates benefit from being part of an affiliate network.

1. Campaign Selection:

 An affiliate network gives affiliates access to 100’s of niche merchant’s products and services. The network uses it’s time and resources to find the clever publishers who have figured out new ways to drive converting traffic. It also provides a greater variety of top performing, reputable campaigns. 

In this way, affiliates will easily get exposed to upmarket products such as banner rotations. With a single affiliate network, affiliates can easily work with multiple advertisers, multiple offers and multiple payment style options such as pay per click, pay per lead, pay per impression, etc. all under one umbrella, the affiliate network.

2. One Single Relationship:

 The relationship between the advertiser and the affiliate is of utmost importance. These relationships are necessary for structuring increased commissions (if the affiliates volume increases), in advertisers delivering affiliate-specific content, and in the advertiser and affiliate working together to assist the affiliate in maximizing the traffic to his site. 

The affiliate only deals with one advertiser, namely the affiliate network, rather than each of the merchants individually. This frees up a lot of space on the affiliates calendar since the affiliate does not have to use any time building relationships with anyone except their affiliate network manager. Affiliate marketing is about relationships, and that is then all taken care of by the affiliate network. The affiliate network will provide top quality support and a great training area for the affiliate to build up their skills, learn and grow.

3. Real Time Tracking: 

Testing and comparing each and every change and idea is fundamental for taking an affiliate’s business from strength to strength. The most important tool for testing is real time tracking. This allows the affiliate to know immediately how their new idea is translating and helps to guide the affiliate as to whether it is an idea worth pursuing. 

The software to track impressions, clicks, leads and sales for each campaign can be both pricey and require a lot of upkeep. The network will provide this service for free to their affiliates. The network will also provide affiliate with advanced reporting tools for checking their stats, graphs for analyzing trends, and even cookie testing capabilities for monitoring fraud.

4. Risk of Payment: 

Every advertiser has an element of risk as to whether you will actually receive the payments from them. As many companies can be virtual or on the opposite side of the world from where the affiliate is based, it is often very difficult to avoid doing business with dishonest advertisers. 

This means that no matter how much revenue the affiliate generates, some advertisers will never pay the affiliates. Joining an affiliate network gives the affiliate much stronger protection. The network will have built strong relationships with a number of the advertisers it works with and thus there is minimal chance the affiliate will not get paid.

5. Monthly, Residual  Payments: 

Affiliate networks ensure all payments are checked and paid monthly (or as alternatively agreed). This means that the affiliate does not have to waste valuable time checking and reconciling the advertisers’ figures.

The role of an affiliate is to maximize the traffic to their site and provide rich and useful content to their site. This keeps an ever growing visitor base arriving at their site, and ensures the visitors look around the site before exiting the site. An affiliate network encourages the affiliates to concentrate on these vital functions by assisting the affiliate in maximizing the spend of each visitor the affiliate attracts.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

How To Increase Traffic To Your Website, Increasing Your Sales With Free Traffic ! Web Hosting $3.95

When all is said and done, the marketing principles that apply in the brick and mortar world have similar applications in cyberspace, on the Internet and World Wide Web.
In other words, many of the marketing goals that apply to doing business in the brick and mortar world are equally applicable in cyberspace and on the Net.

For example, in the brick and mortar world, one of the keys to ensuring that your business will survive is developing methods through which you can bring customers to your real world store. The same principle holds true on the Net as well. In order for your Internet based business to thrive, you need to drive business to your Internet website. You need to increase traffic to your Internet website.

One method that you can utilize to increase traffic to your website is search engine optimization of SEO. SEO is the marketing tool through which you increase your ranking level on search engine search results. 

For example, if you are able to initiate and implement a strong SEO program, you will be able to take a position towards the top of particular search engine results. By being at the top of search engine search results, you will have more people clicking on the search result link to your website. You will end up with more traffic to your website.

As a general rule, increased traffic to your website necessarily results in an increase in the number of customers or clients doing business with your business enterprise. More business means more sales. More sales translates into more revenue for your business. And, ultimately, an increase in revenue results in more profits for and from your web-based business enterprise over the course of the long term.

In regard to SEO programs, you might want to consult with an SEO professional. There are now qualified, reputable and reliable men and women who are in business in this day and age providing to people specific marketing plans that center on SEO. 

These people can assist you in developing an SEO program that will increase traffic to the website of your Internet based business. Again, as has been mentioned, solid SEO and increased traffic to your business website will result in an increase in revenue and an increase in profits for your online business venture. You will enjoy true online business success today … and tomorrow.

5 Tips To Gaining Targeted Pinterest Followers Fast, Easy & FREE!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

3 Tips Necessary For The High Rolling Affiliate Marketer


You should be able to find several indispensable facts about
Affiliate Marketing in the following paragraphs.
If there’s at least one fact you didn’t know before,
Imagine the difference it might make. 

Important Tool #1: Your Own Website

The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and service you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need. 

The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base. 

Now that we’ve covered those aspects of Affiliate Marketer, let’s turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered. 

Important Tool #2: Incentives

Competition is extremely tight in the internet marketing world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects.

Important Tool #3: Link Popularity

The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in the internet world. Attracting people to your site should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign. 

Now you can be a confident expert on Affiliate Marketing. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on Affiliate Marketing.

Become An Affiliate Assassin With A Few Simple Steps

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Get Paid To Write Articles About Anything You Like. It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Get Paid To Write Articles, 

Write As Many As You Like As Often As You Like!! 

Share Your Brilliant Writing With Your Network

 And Earn Unlimited Income! 

Expertscolumn is a writing website which pays you for writing articles. It is an Indian article writing website on internet which pays you for writing articles. You write articles there and they pay you for your hard work of writing articles for them. Easy As 1,2,3.  Write, Post, & Share ! 
Now, the question comes about the basis on which they pay you for your articles? What is the criterion for paying you for your articles or on what basis you get paid for your articles? They pay you for your articles on the basis of page views your articles accumulate. More the page views, more the earnings. So write as many articles as you can, which will result in more page views, and hence more earnings.
Now next question comes about the payment procedure. That is how they pay? Or through what payment mode they pay? They pay you through moneybookers. The second payment option available is paypal. Indian authors are paid through moneybookers and foreign authors residing outside India are paid through paypal.
Now next question comes about how much money or earning you needs to be earned here in your expertscolumn account to withdraw them to your paypal or moneybookers account? The minimum earning required to be earned here on expertscolumn account to withdraw money to your moneybookers or paypal account is five dollars. Once you have collected five dollars in your account here at expertscolumn you can withdraw it through the payment modes mentioned above which ever method suits you.

Sponsored Reviews

Sponsored Reviews Connects Bloggers With SEO's,Marketers, and Advertisers Looking To Build Links, Traffic And Buzz!It's 100% Free To Join!

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